Our Duvets
Natural materials have excellent climate-regulating properties. A warm autumn day followed by a cold night - the fact that a sheep can cope with such temperature fluctuations has to do with the structure of its wool. Camels and yaks have to cope with much colder temperatures. We make use of the different properties of natural products such as pure new wool, yak and camel down hair, cotton, hemp and wild silk to create the right blanket for every sleep requirement.

Comforters, comforters, quilts
Different names, different countries, different styles.
We go for - comforters, which are handcrafted and depending on the fillig weight, it will be more like an ultra light quilt, an all year comforter, or an even two layer comforter for really cold season, snowy climate, or just for the little chilblains.
We offer three types of comforters:
all season
and winter (with duo layer design)
35 years of expperience - you tell us about your personal climate zone, we get you the right cover for cozy nights.

Summer, Season and Winter (Duo layer) Duvets
Apart from the comforter style and filling weight of the fluffy filling material, the comforter will provide its unique characteristics of comfort, insulation, moist-absorbant properties based on the material chosen. Each filling material, combined with the perfect fit of fabric, comes with unique set of benefits.

single summer comforter
Summer to come
An ultra light fleece, high moist-absorbent abilities, light weight - that's what most people love for their summer comforter.
depending on the climate situation, temperatures and moist are still not the same throughout the whole night. That's why your comforter needs to be as versatile.

Single or Duo ALL Season comforters
All year around
In many countries with temperate climate zones, as well as during spring and automn, whether can be challenging for a comforter - and for you in particular.
A sunny evening can still come with higher temperetures, high humidity, and your body is still in an active mode. During cloudless nights, temperatures can still drop low and with your body relaxing, it can get cold. If that happens, your body will get stress and there is little recreation left.
An all season comforter will come with the greatest possible coverage to work in different situations - to give you the sleep you need.

too hot for summer
Our Duo-Winter comforter collection
Enjoy a snuggly and cozy winter with one of our duo layer comforters. Our winter comforter consist of two individual comforters, which have been sewn together at the side. The air pocket between the two comforters provides insulation. The moisture and heat regulation is further enhanced by the cover fabric made from pure organic cotton.

Combination comforters - for any condition to come
Enjoy great flexibility thanks to this combination of a summer comforter and an all-season comforter. The thinner summer comforter provides gentle warmth and protection against draughts, so you can enjoy a pleasant night's sleep without breaking a sweat. Meanwhile, the more voluminous comforter offers lovely, balanced sleeping conditions ideal for spring and autumn.
In winter, you can simply combine both comforters using the integrated fasteners.
As a cozy winter comforter, the combination comforter offers lovely warmth thanks to its two layer organic non-woven fillings. The breathable fibers quickly absorb moisture and divert it away into the ambient air. The moisture and heat regulation is further enhanced by the hypoallergenic cover made from pure organic cotton.
You can combine any comforter in our range. Very popular is our silky dummer comforter with an all season yak down hair - also our personal favorite choice.
Organic Filling Materials
The secret of the perfect blanket: Natural materials
Natural Fibres - from amazing animals
Pure new sheeps' wool (kbT, GOTS, IVN)
The wool fibers offer outstanding breathability to ensure a balanced temperature and moisture level within the bed. Thanks to its hollow structure, heat cannot get trapped. Moisture is absorbed and then swiftly released into the ambient air. The wool is self-cleaning thanks to the natural lanolin. Simply airing the comforter is all that is required to restore its freshness and volume. A classic wool comforter provides you with wonderful protection, 365 days a year.
Camel down
Lovely and warming in the cooler months and temperature-regulating in the summer. With high-quality camel down, you can enjoy a perfectly temperate sleeping environment at all times. Camels live in regions with high fluctuations in terms of daily and seasonal temperatures. In order to cope with these harsh weather conditions, the animals have a coat that can withstand both extreme midday heat and ice-cold desert nights. Camel wool is a very soft, relatively lightweight and temperature-regulating hollow fiber with good moisture retention capabilities. It can absorb a lot of moisture and quickly diverts it into the ambient air.
Compared to sheeps'wool, camel down offers higher insulation. The moisture regulation is similar, although with slighly less filling material needed to gain an equal insulation, the moisture absorbed will be slightly lower.
Yar down
Comfortable, snuggly luxury for all seasons. A yak down all-season comforter is as light as a feather and is perfect for all those who feel the cold. It boasts wonderful temperature-regulating properties to provide a very pleasant sleeping environment. The yak down filling makes the comforter lovely and warm, soft and extremely good at balancing temperature. The extremely fine yak down hair offers the best insulation ratio among our organic filling materials.

Organic Fiber "AHIMSA"
EriSilk (kbT, GOTS, IVN)
Eri silk is an exquisite material that is obtained from the cocoons of silkworms. Eri is light and airy. It can absorb a lot of moisture and still feels pleasantly dry - the perfect material for light summer comforters and for people who like it cooler or like to sleep in warm rooms.
We use so-called "Ahimsa" silk, which literally means "not to hurt". This is a sericulture in which the silk thread is only "wrapped" from the cocoon after the butterfly has hatched from it. In this way, no damage is done to the caterpillars. The cocoons are damaged by the hatching of the butterfly and the silk thread, that can be unreeled, is much shorter than that of cultured silk. The extraction and processing of the silk thread is therefore more complex, but it goes without saying that the caterpillars must not be killed during the silk extraction.
Eri silk is particularly suitable for filling fleece, thanks to its high fill power. We process the original silk into an airy fleece. A wonderful light, luxurious comforter.
Natural, vegan fiber
Organic Cotton (kbA, GOTS, IVN, Fair for Life)
Cotton is a purely plant-based natural product and is therefore vegan. Its fiber structure makes the fabric skin-friendly. Cotton looks pleasantly cool and soft and is therefore particularly comfortable for people who warm up quickly or who have sensitive skin. It is also breathable and can absorb almost a quarter of its own weight in moisture without feeling clammy. Our cotton comforters are washable up to 60 ° C and are therefore also suitable for people with allergies to animal hair or house dust mites.
Our most important partner for fair trade organic cotton is ""Fair for Life"". The common goal is: excellent cotton quality from certified organic cultivation, fair trade. We support the producers in organic farming and help them to improve their living conditions.
Natural Hemp
Hemp fibers create a very comfortable sleeping experience: ideal in summer, as they have a cool and refreshing effect. Warming in winter because the fiber is hollow on the inside and forms an insulating heat cushion. The particularly high moisture absorption, the low weight and elasticity are further plus points. Hemp has a particularly good ecological balance, as it thrives "naturally organic", i.e. without special measures such as fertilization or pest treatment. As a purely plant-based material, it is also ideal for anyone who wants or has to do without animal fibers.